Friday, April 15, 2011

Leading the Way in Comfort & Care

"Leading the Way in Comfort and Care" is the name of our Capital Campaign to renovate the Apostles Center for Care and Westvue Personal Care into four small person-centered households for nursing and memory support care.  The key word is household.  Traditional nursing homes are institutional in appearance and more importantly, in the activities of daily living.  Homestead Village has been implementing its person centered approach for the past four years.  In fact, May 2 is the four year anniversary of our made-to-order breakfasts.  Lunch and dinner followed in August, 2007.

Radcliffe House Dining Room should open May 1!
 The renovation offers three distinct improvements in the Apostles Center for Care and our memory support personal care.  

First, the dining improvements that were initiated in 2007 will now be supported with outstanding kitchen and dining room facilities that are just like home. 

Second, the "institution" is being divided into houses of 12 to 20 residents with their own living room, dining room, kitchen and bedroom hallways.  Each bedroom will have its own full bath.  The four houses have been named for four generous benefactors who helped to make the campaign a success.  Fickes House and Radcliffe House are under renovation currently and will each serve 18-20 residents.  Young House and Gelhard House are both memory-support households for 12-14 residents.  Young House is part of the nursing home.  Gelhard house is a personal care residence.

Finally, the improved environment and facilities will allow our person-centered training and approach to flourish.  What does that mean?  As we learn to live and work in households, each resident's individual choices with respect to daily activities such as waking, dining, bathing and bedtime will be honored to the best of our ability.  Our ability will constantly improve as we take advantage of the benefits of the renovation and achieve greater levels of teamwork. 

So far approximately 120 Homestead Village stakeholders have contributed $3.1 million toward our ultimate goal of $4 million.  All of the money contributed will be used to greatly improve the quality of life of our residents by funding the improvements described above.  The plan is to complete the campaign in 2011, Homestead Village's 25th anniversary year.  With just eight months remaining, our work is cut out for us; but we have wonderful stakeholders.  We greatly appreciated your support of the campaign. 

If all of the Homestead Village stakeholders who have not yet given make a five year pledge to give, the average gift would only need to $900 per year to successfully complete the campaign!  Please consider giving to the campaign today!

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